Archive for March, 2023

  • Fuck you!


    You’re a filthy, narcissistic dog turd. All those nights you made me cry, you gaslit me into thinking there...

  • I’m sorry


    Hello R, sorry kung nagexpect ka na maganda ako at sexy. Sorry kung yung first meet up natin sobrang...

  • To DDD


    To answer one of your questions long ago…Yes, you *were* the most selfish person I had ever met. You willingly...

  • To Tessa


    I know you are the one who did me dirty. But this is for me owning up to my...

  • So much in five days


    We matched on hinge and you asked me a weird question about cleaning my ears, and I was curious...

  • In this life


    Maybe apologising would help me get over this. Its been an antagonizing 2 years and the wounds still seem...

  • Grateful for Your Third Wife


    She was your third wife, I was your first.Too young to know how to be married, Ifailed at matrimony,...

  • I think I took you for granted


    I know it’s been hardly any time since you said it’s over, but i really think i took you...

  • To my first love


    It has been 5 years since you ended things. There was a point where I couldn’t possibly imagine a...

  • To him


    Why couldn’t you just protect me?