11 years

For eleven years, I believed you.  Even when you cheated, lied, and walked all over me.  When you said I mattered, that you loved me, and that you want to be with me.  I trusted you, I gave you everything I had, the best parts of my life and the best parts of me.  Everyone told me that you were lying, even the person you cheated with said you were using me.  For eleven years I waited for you to prove them wrong, to show me I matter, and start a life with me.  

What did you do ?  You got the person you cheated on me with pregnant, you told me it was over between us.  You met her at a job I encouraged you to get.  A job you didn’t want because you thought it was beneath you.  When you told me about her, you said she was a friend.  I never thought to distrust you, even when there was proof every where.   You told me we failed as a couple, you told me that I should take the blame for the things I did.  

You’re right, why did I ever believe in you or us ?  Why did I hope for something you would never give me.  You gave it to her, why wasn’t I enough ?  If you loved me, then why not with me ?  We were together for so long, before her, but I guess that didn’t matter.  I don’t want to spend another second believing you, loving you, and hoping you will live up to your empty words.  This is the last thing I will say.  And I don’t even want you to see it.  I know you won’t Vitor, I know you lied now,  But 11 years is better than never.  You’re an awful man, and I hope lives gives you the pain you gave me.


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