Archive for May, 2023

  • Rolled Oats


    “What’s a word for a friendship that will last for 30 years?” The question which seem to be the...

  • I still love you, I always will


    Dear Nitin, I still remember the day we met. I remember our first kiss, the dinner we went on your...

  • How do I move on?


    Four years later and I still think about you every day. Even in my 2 year relationship, I would...

  • Naha …


    I hope you’re doing finelovely maiden who was once mine I miss you so muchyour smile, your voice and...

  • Go Away


    You should have known after those years spent together that my inner circle are lifelong friends that I trust....

  • To G


    You once asked me if you had ruined my love life. The answer is yes, you did ruin my...

  • Unsent Letter


    Dear G, I thought this would be forever, but I was again proven wrong. I don’t know who to...

  • To JV


    I miss you everyday. I wasn’t in the right headspace and you were. So I pushed you away when...

  • Did I Matter To You?


    Dear Misery, I know you’re tired of reading messages from me going on and on and on about the...

  • Twin Flame


    Its been three and a half years since you ended things. I’ve moved on and fallen in love with...