Archive for 2023

  • I’m not ok and might never be


    To BB, You probably didn’t know that after we broke up, that I have been waiting this whole time....

  • I still love you, K


    I really miss you. I don’t know if you miss me, and i know you have a girlfriend now....

  • Unspoken words


    Dear Bry I know you will never read this, but these are my unspoken words for you 5 years...

  • Well fuck you back


    I can’t believe you were the one telling me, “you’ll come back” when ur the one coming back to...

  • Why?


    V, was our entire relationship a lie, did you only use me to distract yourself from the live you...

  • Dear Josh


    Why do I still miss you…Why do I find your scent comforting when I wrap myself in the blanket...

  • Are you happy?


    I’ve thought about you every single day since you left. Why did you move on so fast. 2 years...

  • Like a Phoenix, I Rise


    You have to live with the fact that your hands destroyed something so beautiful as love. You destroyed my...

  • Nah, actually you know what?


    You were a very very horrible cruel, chillingly callous, vindictive, unkind, game playing, demeaning, bullying, deflecting, unreliable, inconsistent, inhuman,...

  • I knew this was coming, but still it hurts


    Meri Jaan.We always knew this would happen. Neither of us expected a relationship to blossom between two friends at...