I wish you well

  • What was all of it for?


    Dear the one person I’ll never be able to forget, I know things between us only lasted for a...

  • Best wishes


    I write this to you not in hope of fixing what has been done and said but to tell...

  • I’ll love you forever.


    My life without you is weird, even though it has been almost 2 years that we broke up. In...

  • Life without you is going to feel empty for a long time


    Dear best friend, First off, I just want to let you know how much you truly did, do, and...

  • Sorry not sorry


    You know, you can be cold all you want. I can take a clue. I know this is it...

  • I forgive you


    I don’t even know where to begin because it’s all so fresh. We been together for three years +...

  • To my cutie-pie.


    Josefina, I never would have thought things would end like this.. Or that we would end at all. We...

  • Thoughts of you exhaust me.


    Jamie, they say some questions have no answers, and yet here I am wondering how you could walk away...

  • It wasn’t supposed to end like this


    It’s easy to say that you’re over someone when you’re not seeing them. The hard part is to look...

  • I miss the old you


    dear stranger, i hope you don’t still hate me. i still don’t know why you hate me, it hurts...