
  • Wonderfully painful love


    I should be over you by now, right? Its been about 10 months since you broke up with me...

  • The sight of you…


    Dear u After al we’ve been thru I put my hear on the line my relationship with my family...

  • Dear Daddy’s Boy


    I never thought I’d find myself in this place, but you ultimately put yourself here. For the first year...

  • My dear love…


    I decide to write because I will not be able to put into words what I’m feeling and I...

  • Thanks for keeping in contact as you promised… Good joke, I’m with a musician now.


    The break up happened well over a year ago now, and I have found someone who actually treats me...

  • You


    Dear J, I fell in love with you as soon as I saw you, and I still am. It’s...

  • The Night


    Hey, So you just broke up with me a couple of hours ago. The night before a med school...

  • Karma will come for you


    Dear ex There are a lot of things I wish I told you when we broke up like how...

  • What did I do to deserve this?


    Ian, I realize this message probably never find you. I also realize that if you ever find it, it...

  • Confused with heartache


    Dear Paddy, I can’t even call you my ex as we were never together, I guess because I believed...