I will never stop hating you for the years you stole from me

I will never stop hating you for the years you stole from me

I will never stop hating you for the years you stole from me

LTME-postI will always remember the first time that I saw you at university, staring at me and smiling like we had known each other for years. You would gaze at me across the classroom and I became convinced we were destined to be lovers. Getting to be your friend, the hottest girl in the year, meant so much to me and put me on cloud nine. I forgot myself and fell hard for you and spent two valuable years of my life thinking about you non-stop and following you around as you strung me along. I drew pictures of you, I fantasized about our future and I brutally pushed other girls that I should have dated away. I could be happy with one of them now if it hadn’t been for you. When I told you how I felt on the last day of uni, you left me in a state of disarray that lasted nearly a year by calling me a loser and telling me to get the hell out of your life, and I haven’t seen you since, apart from your boastful Facebook profile showing off your successful fiancé and luxury apartment. I will never stop hating you for the years that you took from me and the opportunities to date other girls that you stole from me. I wish I had never met you and like other wiser guys looked beyond your face and body. If I had I would have seen nothing and ignored you just like you deserve to be. I wish you the worst of everything.


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