Dear —-,
I said goodbye to you again today and my heart broke all over again. This weekend was the first time I almost felt almost happy since you ended things. You were so sweet and it almost felt like old times. How can you think we aren’t good together? Yes, things have been hard lately and the distance finally took its toll. Yes, I understand why things had to happen, but it makes me so happy to be around you and I know you feel the same way. What I don’t understand is how you can completely give up on us. Eight years together and most of that time was so wonderful. But the last few months, I felt you change. We had gone through so much together, but this time, you left me behind. You gave up on me without even letting me have a chance to make things better. I really think we can make things better.
Don’t you see how cruel you are being to me? You say you want to be best friends. You say you know that we will always be in each other’s lives Don’t you understand if we both truly were to move on, that cannot happen. Don’t you understand that by keeping me close, you are still stringing me along. Please just tell me what you want from me. I’m so confused. First, you say we are on a break, then tell me we are broken up, then tell me that there is always hope for us. When I ask for clarity, you refuse to talk about things. You see say it stresses you out. Well, you are stressing me out.
This isn’t all your fault of course. I let myself get strung along. I feel that same strong connection you say you feel, but I know I’m not ready to be friends yet. I know I need to let you go, at least for now, but I’m scared of being without my best friend to lean on.
Even though you’ve given up on us, I refuse to. I really do hope you find what you are looking for but I know the day will come when you realize that achieving all the success in the world isn’t worth being alone. I don’t know what to do until then…