When one door closes

When one door closes

When one door closes

LTME postDear L,
I am not sure how to even start this letter but I hope I find what I am seeking in doing so. After almost seven years of friendship and an amazing (almost year) of being what we were, I am left cold hearted and broken. You showed me love, in ways I did not see coming, not that they were not possible, but it surpassed my ideas and limits to which I thought we wouldn’t cross. You asked me to be yours and I whole heartedly was ready and willing to do just that; only to be left alone, hurt, and no longer yours.

I didn’t ask for any of this and in my mind it’s everything I wished to avoid. Hurt isn’t something I thought you’d ever do, hidden agendas are not what I forsaw, and not having you around is not something I wanted. But now this is our reality, and if it’s the last our that we share, I must leave you with this.

Don’t come looking for me again. Close your door as I shut mine, and never knock again. I have shut it for the last time.


1 Comment

  1. Laura 10 years ago

    Woah. This was so close to sounding like my ex. We weren’t friends for seven years though, so whew. His name also starts with J, though the S could’ve stood for his nickname.

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