Thank you

Thank you

Thank you

LTME postWe dated for 6 months and honestly it was some of the best months of my life. You listened to my pointless drama and always gave me advice. You always went and got ice cream with me. You put up with my shit like nobody else. When your friends were mean to me and I cried, you just held me and made fun of them. You would get into One Tree Hill more than me. You would let me sing to you and dance around and you were never embarrassed of me. Those 6 months went by really fast. They say you told me we should break up, I didn’t know what to do. I thought my world was ending because you were my world. You told me that we can still be best friends. Honestly, thought you were a lying piece of shit. You told me we can talk everyday. I didn’t believe you but I still went along with it. Thanks for texting me everyday for a while. Thank you for asking me about how my life is going. But most importantly thank you for asking me if I was okay with you dating one of my friends. You don’t know how happy that made me. Thank you for talking to me in school when I see you. Thank you for not thinking I was some regret. Thank you for still caring about me even when I wanted to die. For telling me you better not leave this world. Thank you for helping me out with everything I got going on. For making goofy faces at me in the hallway or in class. Thanks for the tag on Instagram saying how prefect I am. Thank you for telling me I’m beautiful and always having my back. For letting me bitch to you so much. Tell your family that I miss them a lot. Tell drew I really miss he’s cute face. Tell carter he is a stud. Tell your mom thanks for being so nice to me. Tell your dad thanks for telling me stories about Jessi. And well Easton he is just a cutie. Thank you for saying we will be best friends like Lucas and Haley on One Tree Hill. Thanks for telling me not to go after Jared because he is a douche. For getting mad at me when I said Jared is cute and I wanna talk to him because you didn’t want me to get hurt. Thank you for always having my back. Thank you for not hating my guts like most exs. Thank you for picking a super duper nice girl to date that I love. Thank you for being my best friend even after we dated. For telling me I still mean a lot to you. Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you so much Tyler for the things you don’t think mean a lot but I do. Thank you for being my best friend. Thanks for keeping up on the gossip. Thanks for being an all around great guy. Thank you so much Tyler. Lastly thank you for making me believe in myself again, even after we dated. Thank you Tyler. Thank you.


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