You have broken me and I want to hate you for it

You have broken me and I want to hate you for it

You have broken me and I want to hate you for it

LTME-postDear Fall,

I have considered so many times whether I should write you this letter, but what good would that do me. You’re done with our relationship and no matter how upset and in love with you I am there’s nothing I can say or do to change the fact that you have feelings for someone else. You were my first love and my first for a lot of things. Nothing will ever change that. I’ll never forget the things that we shared with each other and how wonderful you made an entire year of my life. You were unlike any guy i’ve ever met… You were so willing to let loose and be yourself no matter how crazy you were. I loved you for all your quirks. The fact that you were so great to me has made it extremely hard for me to be angry at you for leaving me with this terrible feeling. I never thought the person who made me feel so much joy for so long would be able to cause so much pain. You truly fucked up my emotions and because of that I haven’t been able to focus on what really matters in my life right now. You’ve made me question whether I want to continue to pursue my dreams and have driven me to hook up with other people in hopes of distracting myself from you. I feel gross and have regretted a lot of my thoughts and actions. I’m usually a pretty well centered person but lately I have just been all out of whack. You have made me think and do things that are way out of my character and in some ways maybe that’s a positive thing, but i’ve regretted a lot of it. I think you’re an asshole for trying to contact me only a month after the breakup. You hurt me bad and you knew that, but you decided to add very negatively to my already very difficult life by reminding me of you. It’s much easier for you to forget everything and just be friends, but I still miss what we used to have and I don’t think it’s possible for me to put all that aside so that we can start to talk regularly again. It’s selfish of you to want to keep contact with me when you’re the one who ended it. Please respect me by at least staying out of my life so that I can move on sooner than later. You know you fucked up, and I just can’t help but smile because you have to live with the fact that you hurt one of your best friends.


The one you once loved.


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