Blind no more

Blind no more

Blind no more

LTME-postDear R,
Wow what hindsight has done for me over this past month. No longer blinded by love, I now realize what kind of person you are. Immature, nasty, selfish, irresponsible, negative and delusional are all attributes of your character. When we first started dating I couldn’t believe what a catch I found myself with. I really thought we were soulmates. Turns out I let lust cloud my judgment. The warning signs were there: immaturity, jealousy and anger. I would justify all of these and give you the benefit of the doubt. You were jealous of my ex girlfriend who now lives 3,000 miles away and I haven’t had contact with in over a year. Wow I can’t believe how blind I was. I should’ve seen this as a sign and ended things at that point before we got too far. Unfortunately for me I didn’t and I e learned the hard way. We did go through a lot together in a short period of time. You got pregnant and we decided to move in together and begin our family. I acted as a father to your child from a previous relationship. Your toddler never met her father and I was happy to take on the role. Once we moved in I put the rest of my life on hold and just worried about our family, this was my fault as I needed balance. It was tough with your daughter. She was a handful but I tried my hardest to win her over. 2 weeks after moving in together we were given the terrible news that it was likely your were going to miscarry. My heart was broken. I broke down in front of you that evening and balled my eyes out as I couldn’t contain my emotions. I knew what your were about to go through would be terrible though and I decided to be strong for you going forward. Your daughter called me dad the day after which helped ease the pain for me. Watching you suffer through it over the next few days was unbearable but I wouldn’t leave your side. You were an emotional wreck for a while afterwards which was understandable. I reassured you that it was not your fault and we will have a child together. About a week later though something changed in you. In a terrible tone you asked me if I even cared that you miscarried. This was very offensive and I couldn’t believe you would say this. We did reconcile though and it appeared our relationship was stronger than ever.
As time went on and we lived as a family, you had trouble disciplining our daughter. She would hit, not listen and be rude as any toddler would. As parents we needed to provide structure and sometimes a timeout would do the trick but you didn’t believe in this. Your idea of discipline was telling her not to do it. How did it feel when she didn’t listen after 8 times of asking? No child can learn with this type of parenting. Still I believed you would mature and change your ways, boy was I wrong.
Well you ended up getting pregnant again and I was happy to learn I would be a dad again. We were both happy that our family was growing. It grew even bigger when I decided we could get a puppy after being asked by you for 3 months. I didn’t think it was the best idea as puppies are tough to raise and we had a toddler and a baby on the way. Still to make you happy we got one. I should’ve stuck with the no as 3 weeks later you wanted to get rid of him. You out zero effort into raising him and also let our daughter abuse him. Sorry but when a 3 year old boots a 3 month puppy in the ribs its timeout. Timeouts are a concept hopefully you’ll learn in the future for your daughter’s sake.
Our relationship continued to be a bit rocky and I was ask all the time if anything was wrong or if you wanted to talk. You never came out with anything therefore we. couldn’t resolve anything. Another sign of your immaturity.
We finally sit down to talk one night about things. I wanted to resolve and it appeared you had no interest in this. You told me you called an abortion clinic 3 weeks prior to this conversation. How dare you? To do that behind someone’s back when you are together is unforgivable. You also had the nerve to say I was t your daughter’s parent. I sacrificed everything for our family when we moved in and fathered your bastard child. Apparently this was not appreciated. You then had the nerve to ask if I would continue a relationship with your daughter. I said I wouldn’t as you made it clear I wasn’t her parent and we had only lived together for 5 months. I did say I would be there for my baby. We ended the relationship.
The next morning you messaged me wanting to work things out. We talked again and agreed we would. You wouldnt be jealous of my ex anymore and you would look at disciplining our daughter if needed.
We decided to take a little family weekend getaway. Everything was great and we had lots of fun until the ride home. You had the nerve to ask me I front of your daughter, “how could you want to walk out on her?” How do you have the nerve to say that. You wanted to break up and you said I wasn’t her parent.
I gave it 2 weeks and nothing changed. Your daughter still abused the dog and you did nothing. Your daughter still acted out and you did nothing. The relationship was over and you went ahead and got an abortion. I have lost all respect for you. Now that I’m no longer absorbed by love/lust I can see you for what you really are. A cunt.


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