My shattered heart

My shattered heart

My shattered heart

LTME-postDear ex,
You are the one that I thought we would end up together. But right now my heart already breaks for several times because of you.
Why can’t we just tried to love someone like one day he/she gonna died? Why when they are alive… they seem like don’t want to give the best to the people they loved? My throat felt hurt to think about this. Because I am crying in silent.
I feel like i am going to be crazy but my way of always going travelling is like because i thought maybe no one ever gonna marry me. Even someone like you dump me.
My self-esteem is so low now that i feel so nasty to even think about it.
All of those Tinder guy that looks like only wants to do a one night stand scares me. You were a place like home to me. But i also remember i feel horrible with you. I feel like.. trapped.. not loved too by you treating me as you like. Your communication skill is so horrible that i can not stand to talk to you. I also being compared with someone that i don’t like.. you were really cruel to say that. When i told you story.. you even compared me to the person i didnt like. It is like showing that you do not like me too at all. I feel hurt.

I am done.

1 Comment

  1. Pancit 8 years ago

    If you’re Inke. I’m so sorry I hurt you. Please come to me.

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