I’d be lying if I said I wished I’d never met you

I’d be lying if I said I wished I’d never met you

I’d be lying if I said I wished I’d never met you

LTME-postso jorge i know its been what 4 months now , dang time goes by real quick huh but it seems the more i try to forget about you i cant . yea i did forget about you for a while but its harder then ever now , guys been hitting me up and all but it doesnt feel the same . i know you never cared about me like i did for you but its fine i guess im just glad i got to know you and i got to spend time with you . i cant say i wish i never met you because then id be lying . you helped me thru alot when i was sad because i didnt have my mom at the time . seein you would always put a smile on my face and thats never ganna change . your proboly never ganna see this but if you do then thank you for alot , thank you for putting a smile on my face when no one else could , thank you for dealing with my bipolarass for some time , thank you for making me feel more confidence about myself , and most important thank you for teaching me not to trust a guy like i trusted you . so many times i said when i change your ganna want me back and ima say no but honestly i wont , i know people say if you dont hate him you never loved him but my love for you was deep and i dont think thats ever ganna change . i felt pain when i would see you around and you would ignore me but that just how it is no ? i felt that in my chest , and when i got home ill just cry and cry then fall asleep and dream about you . it was really hard to accept that we’ll never talk again but there was nothing else i could do i never was and im still not the person to beg , guess its a good thing tho because then you would of played me again . tell me whats a girl to do she feels alone and empty because of a guy . thank you tho , ill never forget the feelings i got when i was with you .


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