We don’t know each other anymore

We don’t know each other anymore

We don’t know each other anymore

LTME-postDear Ex,

We get on great but I don’t think we are a good fit. I use the present tense because you were messaging me earlier and we were having a great chat until we stumbled onto the topic of school. I don’t really know what you’re like now. But it doesn’t matter. School was a really hard time for me. I wasn’t in a good place. I felt really unwell. I’m sorry that you got dragged into that. You and your friends were mean to me, but I was ultimately not a well person, and things probably wouldn’t have played out how they did if I was a healthy, happy teenager with good solid support systems. Now, I just want to move on with my life and be with people who make me feel whole. I still sometimes think we could have worked or we could, but we didn’t? We were really young aswell…How many times do I need to test something out and get hurt again before I learn my lesson? You were my best friend and I trusted you with nearly everything. I think you’re going to be a great partner to someone. I think I like myself a lot more now than I did in the past. I like who I’m becoming. I think I will also be able to be a good partner to someone. But progress is not made by living in the past, thinking about the past, putting too much emphasis on the past. And I don’t see what would be different now than how things were when we were together as kids, and even that wasn’t all sunshine and roses!
But I wish both you and myself well.

Always fondly,


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