I’ll never forget you

I’ll never forget you

I’ll never forget you

Dear P , 

It’s been 4 months now since we called it a day, but we both know it ended way before the day it officially did.
I don’t know where to even start, how can you do everything for one person and it still never be enough? how can you pour your heart out to someone and still not ever be treated with the respect you deserve.
I know you will never see this and i know you already know how much you broke my heart is so many different ways because of the things you selfishly did when not even considering me. I fell so deeply and utterly in love with you and you knew it. You knew how much you meant to me and even till this very day i still love you.. but i am no longer in love with you i am no longer in love with the person who made me laugh till i cried, the person who i spent so much time with. We laughed together, cried together and i’ll never forget you, i’ll never say i wish i never met you because truth be told at this point in my life you are one of the best things that ever happened to me even though you didn’t deserve me.

so anyway.. i wish you the best i do and i hope that you meet someone who makes you happy the way i never could & i pray you don’t treat her like you treated me even though its gonna break my heart to see it when the day comes i just hope you’re happy.

Love you Always.. S x


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