What it was suppose to have been

What it was suppose to have been

What it was suppose to have been


  I miss the vision of T & T 2.0…..what it was suppose to have been.  You are part of my story, the healing and recovery. Whether loving beautiful times, or hurtful dark moments, they were all memorable, some forgivable…. others still to process….yet ALL are unforgettable.

  The laughter….tears… physical, emotional, mental closeness and destruction…. some shared together, others formed alone.  Some with positive intentions and others with negative outcomes.

    Endless and million reasons I questioned us, you, me, my and your identity.  From 1.0 to the version of what 2.0 became.  I never wanted to let you go…..You gave me a reason time and again….to dig deep inside.  To stay and lose myself or to go and rediscover who I am meant to be.  A sobering awareness that has led me to realize my worth and allow myself to be loved and respected the way I deserve to be….which only I know and can do for me. 

   For all its worth, T…yesterday, today, tomorrow and many days after,  I’m immensely grateful…you will always be part of my story.  Beyond a word, sentence or page.  More than a poem, an ode or journal entry.

    With never ending love in my heart (and Hero J’s,) soulful and caring intention for your wellbeing… and all the best and positive thoughts for you always AJames.


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