I really loved you, you know?

I really loved you, you know?

I really loved you, you know?

Hi K! 
First of all I would like to say I really really loved you. More than anyone else. 
But you didn’t love me back it seems. Twice. Twice you had broke my heart and told me you only see me as a friend after dating me. And now you are there with your new shiny boyfriend – who is in my eyes better than me. And its not fair that I am still hurting and you are happy now. ITS NOT FAIR. You are the one who hurt ME, WRECKED ME. And I still hurt me and probly will for some time. But I need to let it out and let it go. LET YOU GO. 
Let go of the hurt, of me feeling not enough for you, not good enough, of you treating me like I am for granted and then being cold about it. I hate you for that.  HOW COULD YOU BE SO CRUEL. HOW COULD YOU DID THAT TO ME. 

I hope no one would ever hurt you like you hurt me. 

But right now I end that chapter
But right now I let you go
I don’t love you anymore
So be gone, please be gone. 

I don’t want to talk to ever again. Goodbye. 
And at hard as it is to say. I WISH YOU WELL.


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