Archive for December, 2022

  • Fuck you, you actually look like Shrek


    I’d like to start out by saving you had a lot of nerve calling them Shrek and Fiona. Mostly...

  • I was the happiest


    I never knew how much you mean to me when we first started talking. until today, I still love...

  • Here Goes Nothing


    2 years ago I broke up you thinking I made the right decision. You don’t need to deal with...

  • I had enough


    I’m so over these feelings and I know I just have to confront them.  I love you, I still...

  • Things I want to say but I can’t


    Dear Isabella,  I really wish things would’ve worked out with us and i don’t understand why you hate me...

  • This is My Reminder


    In case I start feeling sorry for myself for what is gone. I’ll think of the first lie you...

  • The one man who didn’t hurt me


    I miss you. I took so many things for granted. I miss me time in a relationship. I miss...

  • Glad that we met, but farewell now


    Hey, JD. I know you’re doing fine already. It’s been almost 6 months since the last time you messaged...

  • I am guilty


    SM, I am guilty, and I am sorry. I wish more than anything on this earth that you could...

  • A letter to my ex husband


    I am sorry we have not been on the same page lately. It breaks my heart we have gotten...