Archive for 2022

  • Your broke me into pieces


    Dear Poe, I see that you have long since moved on. I know you purposely unblocked me on Instagram just...

  • You left your place


    Hey Muskan, It’s been weeks since we last had a conversation. A huge part of me knew that we’d...

  • Thanks you


    Dear Josh, This letter is out of the blue. But i wanted to tell you thank you. Thank you...

  • Heart Naders CSC


    Hey, I wanted to tell you thank you. Thank you for giving me what I needed. The closure I...

  • Wedding


    Being young and in love is tough. We were so mad for each other. We both left relationships we...

  • Why did you give up on us


    It’s been 5 years since you told me you chose someone new. A new flame. I still have nightmares...

  • You don’t deserve me


    Dear P.,There was only one thing I was sure about… That you would never lie to me or mislead...

  • Regretless?


    June 5th, 2022. 3:35 amA, God, i wish you gave me closure. Why did we stop talking? i know...

  • Miss you Bee


    I gave you all my love and I screwed it up. I have not seen you since that faithful...

  • Hey


    I wish I could trust you, and the things you said.  Maybe I want to reach out so I...