Archive for August, 2023

  • How do I undo it?


    Every day I wake up waiting for it to feel just a little less shitty and it never does,...

  • This isn’t me


    You were cruel, selfish, and hurt me.  Even if you try to argue that it wasn’t intentional.  You can...

  • Hi K


    It’s been 10 months since we broke up. I found this website and read some of the letters. It’s...

  • Still mad at you


    Hey V,Remember when we used to do that? Start serious conversations with “hey?” Well hey. Hey, how dare you?...

  • One last time


    Dear F, I’m writing this online, which I’ve never done before. But I have no choice because you vanished...

  • The mess you left


    Good evening TIt’s been a hot minute. Summer nights remind me of bad decisions. I have the urge to...

  • Dear bubbs


    Your impact on my life has been profound, pushing me to face realities and grow stronger. The memories of...

  • I love you


    Hey Puffins,If you come across this letter. Then maybe you’re looking for me the way I was looking for...

  • Dear you


    This is the 3rd month after the breakup, I am still trying to process life all over again. I’ve...

  • Time to let go


    To my ex, I’m so happy that I got to meet you and date you. I needed you in...