Archive for 2023

  • I’m sorry. I’m not sorry. I don’t know


    Ugh where do I even start.  I want to say sorry to my child’s father. But at the same...

  • I wish I knew then what I know now


    I’ve been thinking about you lately and wondering how things would be if we ever spoke again.  Reflecting back...

  • Please pause, reflect and heal…


    What did happen to you… what made you so angry at life and at those who love you the...

  • Stuck on yourself!


    Penis’s are red, Testicle are blue, Why tf would you do that with a bottle of glue? There’s no more leg...

  • Rot in hell whore


    Rot in hell you fucking slut. Always accused me of cheating. Guess what? I never did. I’m not as...

  • Life


    It has been almost two years and I still think and dream of you almost every day. Your face...

  • Dear non-future-husband,


    Its been two months since you decided to end it with me over text. One year of my life...

  • Dear Ex,


    I am currently living on an island in the middle of nowhere with people I barely know. I am...

  • My heart is heavy


    I don’t even know who I even miss.. what I really need or if i even miss you. H,...

  • Making it Right


    Billy, it has been about 14 years since I last saw or spoke to you. For the last 10...