
  • You broke me and I still love you


    N: this might be the 100th letter I’ll write to you. I know i won’t give u this one...

  • Why are you still in my head?


    Why are you still in my head? It’s been 6 months today and I can’t forget about you. I...

  • All the things you said


    Hey handsome man, That’s what I used to call you. So it’s been three weeks since the last time...

  • I fantasize about telling you how much you hurt me every day


    Hey. I don’t even feel you’re worthy of a mention. When you told me that you’re ending things because you...

  • For all I know it was an experience


    You never choose whom to fall in love with and you never know when it strikes, but when it...

  • Thank you


    Dear Ex,  For all the times you made me doubt that I was not enough. Thank you for making...

  • My happiness and my pain


    Dear Manon, I know it’s been a year and I’m still longing for you. Your voice, your giggles and...

  • It’s over completely


    You can say whatever you want about me, how I have issues and fucked everything up, but at the...

  • Thinking…


    Dear JCR…..I have hidden nothing from you, But I never told you that I loved you.  And, Because of...

  • Dear Brock


    So after all that, you’re okay with acting like WE never happened? and you just gonna go behind my...