Not even my EX
I’m sure I have done everything I could to make you understand how I feel but we can’t just...
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My dear poodle boy
Dear poodle,It’s me. Please forgive my silence, forgive me of not leaving any back doors to you this time...
Thank you for being my first love
I’ve been putting off writing this letter for so long because I know that this will be me closing...
I still love you
Hey J-P (Ernie) You will probably never find this. I messed up. You are it for me. I miss your...
See you in Hell
Edin den putko neshtastna sh sa setish, che az sum nai-dobrata za teb i nai-hubavoto neshto, koeto ti se...
I fucking hate you
I wish you would kill ur – self rot in hell you piece of shit. You ruined my life....
Letter to Kenneth
Hello Kenneth, I wished someday when the universe lets you see this message. You have now found peace in...
One last time
( Can you atleast just read this for me? I know I’m not supposed to talk to you because...
You were everything to me
Dear S,I never thought we would come to the place we are in now, because you’ve made me so...