What I wish I’d told you



    If only you have been honest of your true feelings for me, it would have ended in a mutual...

  • A letter to my ex-partner


    For the record, this letter would be my first. I have been planning to send you one to express...

  • Dear ####


    I wrote this letter to get out the pain I feel from our breakup, the one you caused six...

  • To my first love who I still love


    To my first love, The summer of 2011 was where it all began. It was that one night in...

  • I wish it never happened


    Dear Madison, The date today Is 7/15/2013. I started to think about you again. The 13th recently passed…It would...

  • Still so in love


    Dear You, It’s been two years, but everyday I think of you. I feel pathetic, but I know we...

  • Knew better


    When I met you, I thought you had a brain in your head and were a kind person.  But...

  • You’re a jerk but I can’t move on


    It’s like John Mayer situation you know, I know you’re a jerk but I still like you. Even after...

  • To Tito


    His last communication with my parenthetical responses: Subject: Hey Sent: Tue, Jun 11, 2013 9:44:36 PM I’m sorry I’ve...

  • Honesty


    When we met all those years ago I wanted you so much, I wanted the man that demonstrated so...