The Anti-Valentine’s Day gift guide

Nothing like Valentine’s Day rolling around when you’re mid-breakup, or in limbo with someone who is making you miserable. The trouble is, it’s not just one day. It’s all the lead-up, the smoochy cards in newsagents, the never-ending reminders that YOU ARE ALONE. Lucky there are shedloads of people on Etsy who have a good sense of humour.
- Anti Valentine’s Day cookies. From ‘bite me’ to ‘love stinks’, these are a tasty way to pass the most commercialised day of the year. Boil the kettle. $34 USD for 1 dozen.
- Anti-Valentine’s Day Sad Robot. Because nothing says ‘today sucks’ like a robot with a broken heart. $45 USD.
- Valentine’s Day Blah Blah Blah Drink t-shirt. Let’s fact it, if you plan to bar-hop your way through the pain, it’s crucial you dress appropriately. $24.95 USD.
- Let’s go throw things at stupid happy people card. Want to make a sad pal giggle on V Day? This card could be just the ticket. $4.38 USD.
- Anti Valentine’s Day Candy Heart Drink Stirrers. Cheeky and reusable, these are just the thing for your anti V Day party. $18, USD.
- Instant Download Anti-Valentine’s Day Colouring In Page. Bust out your Derwent pencils and get scribbling; it’s a stress-buster, a constructive way to kill time AND you end up with something pretty at the end of it. $2.50 USD
- Do Not Touch Me Pendant. Poor Cupid really cops it on V Day but damn, this pendant is hilarious. $19.95 USD.
- Cupid is a lying bastard card. Says it all, really. $4.50 USD.
- Love Hurts bandaid tattoo. So awesome, and not just for Valentine’s Day. $3 USD.
How will you be dealing with V Day this year? I’d love to hear from you in the comments.
I think I’ll celebrate it as a day of learning to love myself even though I’m single, and embracing being independent. I’ll probably end up baking fun Valentine’s treats and send Valentines in the mail to my friends.
Sounds like a plan to me.