Still here missing you

Still here missing you

Still here missing you

I can’t believe it’s been almost 2 years since I called you mine. We were only 17 and stupid. I miss you still. Us hooking up isn’t enough for me. Since I lost our baby after we broke up I feel empty. We could have had a life together, but now you hate me. I’m sorry I was depressed and suicidal. I should never have put that on you. I love you. Forever, I promise. That hasn’t changed. If I could take all the fights back I would. I wish I hadn’t been so jealous and I wish I could have given you the space you needed. I miss your kisses. I miss your smile. I can’t even remember the sound of your heart anymore and that kills me. Come back to me. Please?


  1. admin 13 years ago

    Darling… you are too young to be feeling this distraught… I understand losing a baby at such an early age is very difficult… but I just want to say… please look at the bigger picture. Think of yourself as a citizen of the world! Go forth and discover it! Maybe… Move to a different area in your city, go and work in a resort (eg. Hamilton Island), go overseas or move to a different city…. just change things up for 6 months or so and see what happens… Choose your own adventure…. Once you’ve done that… THEN… call your ex and see how you feel about him. I bet you will have moved on.
    Trust me on this one. Best of luck to you…. xx

  2. Helene 11 years ago

    Please listen to her let me tell you I was in my 30’s when I fell in love with a man who still holds my life in his hands I am 60 now and my heart has never stopped being hurt he lives in my life I live prey to die everyday without him for I have nothing left to fight myself with. I will never know the feeling of being love or trusting in anyone again. Sweetie run run as fast as you can.

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