13 of the best break-up songs ever

13 of the best break-up songs ever

13 of the best break-up songs ever

Everybody who’s had their heart ripped out and stomped on has a break-up song. You do. I do. Heck, some of us have entire Itunes break-up playlists (guilty). I know this is a highly subjective topic, but what the hell: I’m going to share some of the songs that have helped me get through bad times. I hope, if you’re in break-up hell right now, some of these help you through the weekend and make you feel a little bit less alone. And feel free to share your favourite break-up songs in the comments.

You Ruin Me, The Veronicas

Broken Heart, Spiritualized

Love Me Again, John Newman

So Beautiful, Pete Murray

Gotten, by Slash with Adam Levine

All By Myself, Celine Dion

I Don’t Believe You, Pink

Rolling in the Deep, Adele

Somebody That I Used to Know, Gotye

Torn, Natalie Imbruglia

Don’t Speak, No Doubt

The Scientist, Coldplay

Someone Like You, Adele

What’s the break-up song you have (or have had in the past) on repeat?


  1. Jacqui 10 years ago

    I Try – Macy Gray was a fave and I knew my heart was better when I could belt it out in the car without crying! 🙂

  2. Jacqui 10 years ago

    Heavy Heart by You Am I
    I hate you right now -kalees

    • Letter To My Ex 10 years ago

      Ah yes, I used to LOVE a little car weep with the stereo cranked up!!!

  3. Prince Doza 10 years ago

    Jamiroquai – King For a Day

    Jimmie’s Chicken Shack – Honestly, the entire ‘Bring Your Own Stereo’ album, but if I had to pick one song, it’s ‘Waiting’.

    Jonny Lang – Walking Away, Lie To Me, Breakin’ Me

    Stevie Ray Vaughn – Cold Shot

    Brother Ali – Walking Away

    Manu Chao – Je Ne T’aime Plus

    Tim McGraw – Please Remember Me

    That’s enough for now. I could be here all day if I’m not careful.

  4. M 10 years ago

    Katie Melua – ‘Piece by Piece’ is absolutely beautiful. I just listened to some of her songs and ended up crying..

  5. ARGISHTEY 10 years ago

    this is the best break up song that i have ever heard

  6. azure.angel 10 years ago

    Missing me -RJ Helton

    Thank you for the broken heart – J. Rice

    And a lot..

  7. Amor 10 years ago

    If by Nelson Castillo
    Tell Me by David Pomeranz

  8. Prince Doza 9 years ago

    This came up on my video feed the other day, and it stung like mad to hear it again.

    Atmosphere – Your Name Here

    Rough to listen to for me, but, perhaps, the right revenge song for someone else.

    • Letter To My Ex 9 years ago

      Hey, we all need one of those… nice to see you hear again Prince Doza, hope all’s going ok for you.

  9. Arey 9 years ago

    I’m Outta Love, Anastacia

  10. lauritha 9 years ago

    Ed sheeran – photograph
    Adele- Send my love (to ur new lover)
    actually sam smith & ed has made m feel a relief, in spite the tears I found a way to smile


  1. […] I get on my site LetterToMyEx.com are anything to go by, no one wants to be weeping along to break-up songs or putting sad messages on baked goods for any longer than they absolutely have […]

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