I loved you, but you never loved me

I loved you, but you never loved me

I loved you, but you never loved me

LTME-postDear Squash,
You broke up with me a week ago and it hurts but not as bad as it did the first couple of days. You were my first love, someone I trusted. I can finally think about our breakup without crying, it doesn’t hurt to think of you moving on. It doesn’t hurt to think of you moving on, but I want to get back together. Am I crazy? I probably am. I loved you, but you never loved me. I wish you all the best and that you’ll find a girl who makes you feel like you can’t breathe without her. I should have broken up with you first. I never expected our relationship to last 8 months, but after 5 months I thought we’d be together for years. The weeks before our relationship, I saw you hurting and I was too selfish to break up with you and I was hoping we could work it out. I need a boyfriend who can tell me I’m pretty and tell me he loves me. You need a girlfriend who is okay with you not being there. I wish you luck.


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