You’ll ALWAYS be my Jack

You’ll ALWAYS be my Jack

You’ll ALWAYS be my Jack

LTME-postIt’s weird really, its been 6 months since we officially broke up and I still love you just as much as I did 4 years ago.
Our love wasn’t perfect, it wasn’t anything but ordinary to you, but to me it was my life, my air and you was my reasoning for breathing.
I know it wasn’t right, I know we fell apart long before this and I know things happened that neither of us could get passed. If only i could just speak to you one last time, I’d tell you that it’s okay, I’m okay and you will always be my best friend. You’ll ALWAYS be my Jack.
The thing that hurts me most was that whilst we was together I’d have done anything for you, damn, after we broke up I still came out for you at 5am when you needed me. I’ve always been there and the fact that you’re never there, you’ve NEVER been there, it hurts me, more than anything. I DO deserve better, one day I WILL get better because you was just a small drop in a massive ocean.
Although I’m angry, I still love you deeply and I still want you to be happy, you saved me and I’m forever grateful for that.
Goodbye my love, and be forever happy.


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