I truly loved you

I truly loved you

I truly loved you

LTME-postHubby, that’s what I used to call you. Because we were meant to be forever I guess. The day I accepted you was the day I decided I will love you forever. Having a bad breakup for the past 2 years, I never thought I’ll be able to fall in love again. But you came and just swooped me off my feet, like literally. You were the greatest gift of my life. You made each passing day more joyful. It was true happiness. I truly loved you. You loved me too but I wasn’t the only one.

I still don’t know if you did love me or not. I wish I told you what i truly felt instead of letting you guess on your own. I think that made you mad. Sorry for not letting you know how much you meant to me. Sorry for not expressing much because I was a shy person and couldn’t tell you that I love you even once to you. I only told on texts because I was too shy. I was too shy to call you when I missed you. I was too shy to talk about my insecurities.

I wish I expressed more , maybe… Just maybe… You would know that I loved you truly and wouldn’t be with those girls.

Then maybe we would have had a chance for our “forever”.


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