Thank you for setting me free

Thank you for setting me free

Thank you for setting me free

For a long time I could still feel you, I knew that you had not fully let me go. I guess it’s something we always were able to share. I know you looked for me in our hometown bar waiting for me to look back and I didn’t because I needed you to let me go truly let me go. I want you to know thank you for setting me free in the beginning of the end, for long time I was mad and I know you were too, but I want to thank you, I want to thank you for giving me a chance to live the life that I am now. I realize now, that the life that we were living together wasn’t enough for me, my capacity to love unconditionally and my loyalty kept me in it for longer than I should, I realize now that you knew that even before my mind had allowed to do so.

I think you knew that you weren’t going to be the man that I needed that I deserved and I was beginning to resent you even before I knew it and even though the way you decided to go about it wasn’t the best if it wasn’t for that , I never would’ve been able to enjoy the life  that I have now. I never would’ve been able to find my strength because I would’ve continue to have given it to you. I never would’ve been able to love and lose with grace like I am now and I would’ve always been trapped in that little world that wasn’t meant for me.

Along time ago away would have been lying if I said that I wanted you to be happy deep down I know that you wanted to see me suffer too but I don’t want that anymore because I see a beautiful life ahead for myself, I want that for you too. I want to thank you for setting me free, I want to thank you for finally setting me free.


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