Did you not care?

Did you not care?

Did you not care?

Dear J,
I’m still not properly over you, i still think about you everyday i still look at the messages i sent my friends about you, i saw how much i loved you and i miss you i miss what you did for me and how you were. But you never gave me the closure i needed you were the one who told me you loved me you were adamant you did and waited until i said but you left me on delivered when i needed reassurance the most you ended it on text and told me you lost feelings i cant be mad at you for that i knew it myself you were loosing feelings but i couldn’t end it you were my first love and i hoped it would go back to normal.

Is it possible that i fell more in love with you when you ended it?
I remember i messaged you saying i still loved you and wanted to give it a try and i was waiting for you to respond i knew you would end it but i had hope for us, hope that you still cared like i thought you did for me.
You left me, its stupid but i relied on you as my validation you made me feel pretty and smart and when you left you took you and them feelings away from me i felt bare.

I started talking to boys for validation but no one gave it me like you did, i cant imagine myself with anyone else but you and i don’t think i’m ever going to move on but i’m stupid we didn’t date that long but i had a crush on you for a while.
I still remember how you would cuddle me and kiss my cheek and neck for reassurance, you would put your head on my stomach and i don’t think i’m ever gonna have that, the feeling i had when you did it, i felt loved and special and no one made me feel like that. I look around my room and i see all the moments we had together and i cant escape it as much as i try i still remember how happy i was with you.
I miss you a lot and even though my friends tell me your wrong for me i feel like your the only person i deserve i would be happy again but you wont come back to me.
I miss you and love you still
please don’t forget about me


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