I’m finally happy

I’m finally happy

I’m finally happy

For the first time in two years I looked at your instagram page and I don’t know if God had just planned for me to feel need to check on you but it’s your one year with her. I had so many nights for two years where I would just miss you, I had so many nights where I hated you for picking everyone else but me. I hated you for making me fall in love with you but then leaving me and taking mental advantage of me. But I still loved you. With every piece of me, I still loved you even though you hurt me.

I have your story on everything blocked bc every time it would pop up my heart would drop to my stomach and I would be in physical pain. Idk if you knew what leaving me did to me. I don’t think you really cared did you. You basically led me on but I still loved you. I really believed that you were it. But Lord knows that you weren’t and I’m finally okay with that.

Why do you get a beautiful girlfriend and I’m still alone? Who knows but I’m finally happy. We told each other everything. So Hey, I’m doing really well. I finally love myself without needing someone else, I’m happy being alone. Every day I wake up and still struggle to love myself and you might be some part of that bc you never picked me but at the end of the day I decided to finally pick myself. And it doesn’t hurt anymore. When I see you? I don’t want to curl up into a ball and physically feel my chest hurt anymore. I’m not mad anymore.

I loved you and you were my other half. So how could I hate you. I hate that you left but I can’t hate you anymore. I saw the post and you’re happy with her and I’m finally happy for you. I’ve always wanted the best for you, and I hope you treat her right. I don’t know her but I know that she will hurt a lot if it doesn’t work out.

We weren’t meant to be and that’s okay but you were my person. I don’t love you anymore but I care for you and you care for her. We may never talk again and be back to how we were but as long as you are happy I’m happy. So this is goodbye from our past bc we have both moved on with our lives. You have found another love and I have found the love in myself. I needed you to break me more than I was breaking myself so I could build myself back up. One day I hope you will be happy for me too.


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