Archive for 2023

  • 11 years


    For eleven years, I believed you.  Even when you cheated, lied, and walked all over me.  When you said...

  • To A.K.A.


    To AYou brought me in like I was some prized possession, only to toss me aside with the same...

  • Hey, I wish you all the best


    I never got to tell you how much of a positive impact you had on me… that you made...

  • Spiralling out of control


    Hi I hope all is well with you wow it’s taken me 18 years to write this letter many...

  • Goodbye, Stranger


    Dear Stranger, I don’t know how to feel about you being the inspiration of this writing. You see, it’s...

  • I still love you Gabe


    I hate that i’m still hung up over you. it’s been more than two weeks since you broke up...

  • I wish you weren’t a soldier


    Hi Z, I know you lost your memory after months of coma, and you don’t even remember me or...

  • Letter 3.3, Final Draft


    I’m writing this on the 17th of April, I won’t send it until August (I hope, I’ve stopped drinking...

  • The things I would say to you


    To the one who had me fooled for 16 years…. When we met I thought that you were my...

  • Rolled Oats


    “What’s a word for a friendship that will last for 30 years?” The question which seem to be the...