Archive for 2023

  • SNB


    T,  I remember watching movies with you and thinking I was the luckiest person in the world. I would...

  • When do you grow up?


    IA, I want to say thank you, from the deepest part of my heart. Thank you for everything you...

  • Goodbye, for now


    Tom,I am not going to lie to you, i thought that writing this was going to be a lot...

  • I am content


    The day after your birthday, two days before our anniversary…I found out you were marrying her. The photo of...

  • I hope you will find this


    Hi. I know it’s the last thing you expected to receive an email from me but I need this...

  • I miss you Jade


    Dear Jade,  I hope this letter finds you well. As I sit here reminiscing about our time together, I...

  • The person that you were


    I have no clue where to start. I mean, you were my first love and we were so young...

  • How much I love you


    Harley, it’s me Victoria. I wish I would have told you how much I loved and still love you....

  • Farewell my love


    Dearest twinklingstar,you are my happiness and i loved you heart ached with longing for you, so much so...

  • Forced goodbye


    I’ve been trying to avoid feelings in general. I don’t even want to write this but today at this...