Archive for 2023

  • I’m sorry for what I did


    Hey Jacob, i hope you’re doing well! you’re probably wondering why i am sending you such a long message...

  • Part 6


    Hey Boo, Well, it happened, I got temporarily disconnected. This will test your skills as a “computer guy” for...

  • Please don’t say goodbye…


    I always told you, you were my champion Jason.  I was your PP,  beans, Bird. All the cute (weird)...

  • Closure


    You were my first love, and I loved you deeply and almost unconditionally. Not because I was obligated to,...

  • I’m done!!


    DJ, You walked away and that should be enough to answer all the questions that I have. I don’t...

  • What’s left behind


    I’m lost in a sea of my own emotions and navigating them can be a task. I often find...

  • You gave me real love


    Hey Teddy,Are we exes ?  Like does FWB count ?  You still want the friendship, and what we had...

  • In the end, Thank you


    What did i do to deserve this treatment? i give myself you to physically and mentally no questions asked....

  • A toxic love


    I wonder why I got trapped in our toxic relationship.  I know it’s because I felt like there was...

  • A Heart Filled with Holes


    This is for every girl I hurt by being too attached. 2017 was dark after being diagnosed with Type...