
Latest letters

  • I hate you


    Dear Ex, I was watching TV and trying not to think about you. Then a beautiful man with your...

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  • I miss you


    This is the end of my first day without talking to you, I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I...

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  • WTF Part 3


    So tomorrow is Xmas eve. I sit here not sleeping and feeling sick to my stomach not feeling better...

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  • WTF Part 2


    So…….I stopped by your house yesterday to talk after 3 weeks of no contact. You came out of your...

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  • Inner demons


    Dear O, I find it interesting how you decide to post your “Is an apology correct?” on a website...

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  • WTF???


    I don’t understand. You talked to me yesterday after three weeks of mostly silence. (The only other times were...

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  • I was never good enough for you


    I hate how we ended. I wish you could have at least given me a better break up. I...

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  • Thanks for sharing


    Dear You, Thanks for your email informing me that in the two weeks I have been overseas, you have...

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  • It still hurts


    No matter how many times you do me wrong I still love you. I don’t know why, I wish...

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  • What I wish you knew


    You always questioned my love for you. Every week, wondering if I was cheating, asking for reassurance, wanting more,...

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  • Let’s call it a fling


    Dear You, We are always like this, arguing about nonsense things. I wish you’d grow and mature like a...

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  • None of this feels right


    Dear L , It’s so hard when we just pass each othe rby without acknowledging each other. It just...

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