I wish you well

  • Door closed


    Dear Kenny, On Jan 7, the door is finally closed between us. You broke my heart, but I couldn’t...

  • I need closure


    L, It’s a hard to make all my feelings go away, which is the reason I am writing you...

  • I can’t cope


    I know this isn’t exactly expected. After everything that has been said or done, you’d think that there are...

  • Tiny Sparrow


    Lost One, I loved you. Then I hated you. At first not at all. Then just a little. Then...

  • I should’ve done so many things different


    A, I feel like this somehow might make me feel better, deep down I know it really wont. I...

  • Missing you all over


    Christmas and New Year came and went without you for the first time in 5 years Selina and here...

  • I am surviving


    Actually thought you cared enough to at least text me back today. I mean, surely you know what my...

  • I won’t settle


    My dear M, I hope you’re ok over the holidays, and you’re hanging out with your family a little...

  • Dear you,


    Curiosity killed the cat. I’m always curious to see how you’re doing after all the pain you put me...

  • Dear M,


    Thank you for being my first love; I can honestly say that I am extremely fortunate to have had...