I wish you well

  • I wish you well.


    I don’t even know why I am writing this. You probably won’t read this, but I feel like I...

  • SORRY.


    Just sorry. You never seemed to accept that apology from me. And for the longest time, I can never...

  • To Jewel


    I know you will most likely never see this, which actually really drives me crazy, but I am doing...

  • still love you


    Dear P, I can make myself believe in many things. I can say that you weren’t worth it for...

  • Dear B


    I’m not sure how to begin this, and I feel somewhat selfish writing this letter so long after our...

  • Flower


    I shot an arrow in your heart that I can’t take back When I said, “You were my first...

  • Untitled


    I always told you that I met you at a time when I felt I needed change… You made...

  • What I didn’t expect


    Joe, 8 years it’s taken for our pointless relationship to fall apart. We discussed children and then found out...

  • Obsessive love disorder?


    What was I hoping from you? Why was it so hard to let go? A deep, close friendship/relationship where...

  • He Who Loves Least Controls the Relationship?


    I was crazy in my own way. Crazy to pursue for I don’t know what. Something. Anything. What was...