
  • I wish you stayed


    Over all the hours I spent making paragraphs, and so did you Chris. You left it was 4 AM...

  • What you should know..


    Before I start this there’s one quote that I have lived by and that is “and I hope the...

  • Forever and for always


    To the love of my life, You’ve left me speechless. The past couple days have been the hardest to go...

  • My realisation…


    Hey It’s been two years, two years which have changed us both. My dad died, we went through a...

  • I miss you, but you don’t..


    To S,I don’t know if you’ll ever see this but if you do I hope you know this is...

  • Jessica, you broke me


    Dear Jessica, So today is the day I found out your pregnant by him, oh and that you also...

  • To my ex wife


    I still think about you sometimes, I wish that I didn’t, but I do. I have moved on, I...

  • things i wish i could tell you (but who knows if i’ll ever get to)


    Dear l.a.w,You made me believe in soulmates & happily ever afters & kisses in the poring rain in the...

  • Life is rough and you made it easier


    Dear A, I’m writing a research paper on substance abuse and learning a lot of cool things. I wish I...

  • Letter to my ex boyfriend


    Yoo I know you no longer belongs to me but my stupid heart is still missing you and missing...