It’s over, move on

  • Trying my best to move on


    It has been more than a year since the break up happened. I am still struck between the beautiful...

  • Where did things go wrong?


    Dear Kiara, From the first day I met you I instantly felt a connection with you. I was comfortable...

  • Thanks for showing me what I didn’t want


    At the time of our relationship, I thought things were so great. I thought that the sacrifices I was...

  • Oh you dumb dumb


    Matt, You coward. You pathetic piece of a human. I loved you. I cared for you. I was there...

  • Emmanuel


    To the man I love. When the first time I met you, I experienced a “slo-mo “, my world...

  • I miss you


    Dear Ex, It’s been 4 months since we broke up and i still miss being with you everyday. I...

  • Sad that we ended up like this


    Dearest DBYee, Well, I badly want to forget this day. The day when we both decided to finish our...

  • Thanks for the memories


    Looking back at all of our old texts, I just want to say: thanks for making my standards higher!...

  • The truth hurts


    I knew there was something off about you, Mr. Monkey Biz. Did you think I wouldn’t find out? I’m...

  • Blind no more


    Dear R, Wow what hindsight has done for me over this past month. No longer blinded by love, I...